the (s)mother sphere


I gave you my body 





Take my womb.

What do you need to thrive?

I will eat it. Drink it. 

Not drink it. Not smell it. Not think about it, 



I can’t breathe

By the time I reach the top of the stairs 

Because you need my 

Diaphragm, too, I guess

So, well, take it. 

My organs, fuck them

Push them over.

Shove them aside.

Squeeze my bladder

Til I pee myself every time I sneeze.

No problemo. 

It’s all yours.


You took my mind.

Am I doing this right? 

Am I drinking enough water for you?

You want me to nap again?

And then be up at 3am with insomnia until daylight?

I guess so.

Do you like how I’m sitting on this birthing ball?

Or are you gonna creep into a crappy birthing position?

Is this the type of music you like?

Are you gonna come out gently if I play it

Or tear my insides apart? 

People only ask about you now. What day you’re coming. If you’re kicking. Where I’m birthing.

I lie about a few of these things, but

It doesnt matter cause no one really remembers Me

without You anyways. 


You come.

And you come for

My spirit.

Your joy becomes

My joy.

Very cool, yes.

I love watching you crawl and walk and babble 

And (eat) throw avocado all over our entire kitchen.

You’ve lit up my world.

I see a new crayon set

And I’m giddy 

For you. 

Oh. My. Gosh. 

bubbles. yes. 

Play doh. Every day. 

Your tooth finally coming through

Is all I f*cking want for my birthday.

Your block castles,

9 hour nights,

First, hardly perceptible pronunciation 

Of “dog”

That sounds like a lame “duh” to anyone else but me



& shit in the potty- 


Is my joy.


It’s Spring.

You are 3. And you are 1.

My nipples are mine again.

My mind is still a mess 

but its not measuring 

your every milestone.

And I just got back from a yoga studio

Saturated with sage

(Instead of mom rage)

And I had 

a long, silent



Oh. Sweet. Silent. Savasana. 

So now

For what feels like the first time

Since early 2018

When you first confiscated my cervix

I’m reclaiming what’s mine.

My body is as tight in all the wrong places

and loose and weak as it’s ever been.

My mind has mostly forgotten how to speak intellectually to adults

And my spirit barely knows what brings it joy at all.


All of a sudden

 I’m feeling myself…

Like, literally putting my hands to my body

In the shower

To scrub,

But also to stretch. 

And to surrender. 

And to talk sweetly 

To my sore feet.  

To serenade my 

Marsupial-like stomach 

And my,

Well, “new boobs”…

just not the kind you see in magazines.

This body is the least “should have” 

and “should be”

it’s  ever been

And I’m  the most comfortable 

And confident 

In it 

As I’ve ever been. 

Oh man

This spring 

I’m so f*cking reclaiming. 

I’m re-membering 

This self.

And taking these small steps

To be seen again

As Me.

“But, are you, though?” 

Says mama-mind to Me. 


This is spring

In the (s)mother sphere. 


Revisiting old stories. In the light of today.

Sometimes, I forget that I’ve grown. When I read old writings of mine, I can bring those sentiments and sensations back into my body. And it feels good and encouraging to know that today feels different. Those sensations no longer engulf me. Despite feeling, back then, that I’d feel that way forever.

This mind and these feelings tell us things. Listen.

They won’t stay forever.

You, your essence, remains.

so much love.



Jaime Posa